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e-newsletter backnumber vol.18 – We Installed 5-Axis Electrical Discharge Machine.



We Installed 5-Axis Electrical Discharge Machine.

Our machining schedule is very busy right now, and our CEO is already planning to add more new machines, to hire more people, and to establish our second factory. At the end of next month, we will show you our new part of a factory in a video.

As the first step of expanding our capabilities, we installed a 5-axis electrical discharge machine last week. The electrical discharge machine we have been using is a 3-axis machine, and now with the 5-axis machine, we would be able to make much deeper micro holes even more effectively. Currently, our development team is exploring the best condition through try and error. If you have any demands for deep micro-holes of conductive material, we are happy to assist you as One Team.

We can provide you precisely made objects.

No matter how hard.

In any shape.

Drilled, grooved, in any way you need them to be.

Thank you for staying with us!

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